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Third Wednesday Club

It is networking – but with a difference!

Exclusively designed for professional services employees based within the Crawley Town Centre BID area.

Participants build their confidence and create meaningful contacts. For up-and-coming junior professional staff, to mix with well-established partners and directors, resulting in a strong and dynamic business community.


Launched in June 2023, by special invitation to gauge interest for a monthly event, it has grown in popularity and a regular date in many calendars.


“Many, if not all of us have taken on many new recruits over these past 2-3 years and networking and public speaking has for many joiners been a difficult skill to develop over this time. This group introduces your teams to fellow professionals from a wide range of sectors throughout Crawley town centre investing in their personal and professional development. It’s not easy attracting those who have not networked before to sign up and jump straight in and this is where our partners and directors can be of real value and are indeed a fundamental part of this Third Wednesday Professionals Group”.


“Each firm attending commits a senior member of their firm to attend, bringing along junior members of their team. These individuals can change each month, with consistent representation from each firm. This gives senior colleagues the opportunity to support their team (whilst catching up with peers) and junior colleagues to develop their confidence and communication skills”.


Abi Bowden, BID Board Director


What, Where and When

  • ï‚· Monthly networking for professional services to include welcome drinks and buffet

  • ï‚· Held at a hospitality venue within the town centre

  • ï‚· 5-7pm every third Wednesday each month (bar seasonal breaks).

  • ï‚· Numbers attract between 20-35 (with a maximum attendance of 50 each month)


Format and Progress

  • ï‚· Successful and much talked about networking.

  • ï‚· Exclusively for BID based businesses - #BIDbenefit

  • ï‚· Guests discuss a topic, tackle a task, answer a question.

  • ï‚· Teams challenge each other to compete for the ‘BID Rolling Trophy’

  • ï‚· It’s relaxed and fun - and sometimes comes with additional prizes*

  • ï‚· An opportunity to meet colleagues and make valuable contacts.

  • ï‚· Introductions and warm welcomes to regular guests and new recruits

  • ï‚· Opportunities to meet for trophy exchange before the following month.


Sponsorship and promotional opportunities


The group has benefited from additional prizes for our winners; from gym tasters from Kings Gym and The Gym Group, discounts from Mr Simms olde sweet shoppe; Tesla test drives, a Friday bar-bill at Turtle Bay; Discount across all menus at TGI Friday; Emergency First
Aid at Work at Jace Training; a Wagamama taster menu; Afternoon Prosecco Tea at Crawley Museum; gift bags from Something Wiccan.


Who doesn’t love a marketing platform for their firm?

Sponsorship opportunities are available - Email Sam for more information”


Hospitality locations
The event has taken place each month and rotates across town centre-based hospitality venues. We started at Sage Vegan Café, moved to Prezzo, and currently at Turtle Bay. We explore options to move venues – to promote and reintroduce staff to town highlights, re-
igniting day to night time economy and building relationships with managers and owners.


How much does it cost?
This is a Crawley Town Centre BID initiative. The BID levy covers the cost, but in Abi Bowden’s words. Direct sponsorship is not an area that I’m exploring.  Marketing exchange and promotion for those not part of the professional services network is – in terms of prizes.



Email Sam and connect on LinkedIn for more detail


© 2024 Crawley Town Centre Business Improvement District

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