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68% of businesses in Crawley Town Centre that voted were in favour of a new Business Improvement District (BID).

This should mean in excess of £2.25m being invested in the town centre up until March 2025 and hopefully beyond.


In these unprecedented times, it’s vital now, more than ever before, to look to support all town centre businesses and to work together to bring new investment, new occupiers, new customers and shoppers to the Crawley town centre.


The Crawley Town Centre BID is already having an immediate positive impact on the area, with the introduction of  BID Street Ambassadors, who are building relationships with businesses and retailers, helping to tackle on-street issues such as crime and anti-social behaviour and work hard to create a safer Town Centre for shoppers, visitors, businesses, their employees and it’s growing number of residents.


Improvement to CCTV, exclusive offers to the business and professional sector, new website and social media promotions to promote the Crawley town centre as a shopping and business destination are all happening at the moment.  


If you have any comment or ideas, do get in touch with the BID team

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