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Queens Square fountains are back on!

The Queens Square fountains were switched back on at the Spring Fun event on Saturday (16 March), bringing joy to hundreds of children.

The fountains were switched back on by the Mayor of Crawley, Councillor Jilly Hart, following a countdown, which was joined in by hundreds of visitors.

Within seconds of the fountains being switched on, dozens of children were gleefully dodging – or in many cases, not dodging – the jets.

The event also included music and family entertainment from New Orleans-themed street band Beached Brass and Rock Choir, plus storytelling, a silent disco party and community stalls.

The popular fountains were first turned on in 2017 when Queens Square was redeveloped but turned off at the start of the Covid pandemic. They had been out of action for a long period due to various issues with the equipment in the underground plant room.

Repairs and testing were completed last year. Now that the temperature is starting to rise, the fountains are back on again for the public to enjoy.

Councillor Atif Nawaz, Cabinet member for Planning and Economic Development, Crawley Borough Council, said: "It was wonderful to see the Queens Square fountains back on and so many people enjoying them. They add a real sense of vibrancy to the town centre and encourage people to spend more time there."


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