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Have your say on community safety

Residents will have the chance to voice their concerns and help make Crawley safer at an event in March.

Let’s Talk: Community Safety takes place on Thursday 7 March from 6pm to 8pm at the Town Hall.

The event will feature:

  • an engaging discussion with representatives from Crawley Borough Council, Sussex Police and West Sussex County Council

  • a special guest sharing their experiences of exploitation and gangs

  • performances by young people from Crawley

The discussion will tackle community safety issues affecting you and your neighbourhood, with insights from the panel. Councillor Yasmin Khan, Cabinet member for Public Protection at Crawley Borough Council, will host the event. 

Councillor Yasmin Khan, Cabinet member for Public Protection, Crawley Borough Council, said:

"This isn't just a talk – it's a chance for local people to voice their concerns and discuss them with community safety decision makers. Sign up now and contribute to making Crawley a safer place."

To register your attendance email by 5 March.

For more information on community safety in Crawley visit the community safety webpages


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